Saturday, August 2, 2008


I love playing with lighting. I think lighting can totally help bring out the ambiance of an event by 110%. I've been trying to capture some good "before" and "after" photos to show my brides what lighting can do to enhance an overall look of an event. But guess what? Lighting is EXTREMELY difficult to capture on regular people's point and shoot cameras - so much props professional photographers for always being able to capture lighting like it's a piece of cake. Here are a few "decent" non-professional photos that I took last night at a Lanikuhonua wedding. Yvonne Designs did all the flowers, lounge set up and lighting - they turned out amazing! Check out the before and after photos!

Before: 30x30 tent with standard lantern lighting

After: Same 30x30 tent with ivory tent liner, leg drapes, spot lighting on all the guests tables. What a difference! The same sized tent feels much warmer and imitate with custom lighting.

More photos of the set up

Custom gobo designs projected onto dance floor and band tent

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